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This article describes the nature of obsolete words. These words reflect the historical development of the Kazakh language. They have greatly enriched the vocabulary of our modern literary language. The ancient Kazakh written heritage reflects the vocabulary of bygone eras, as well as history, culture and life of the Kazakh people. Analyzing the lexical features of written monuments, we understand the position of original and borrowed words. Many of our original words have survived to the present day. However, obsolete words with unclear semantics still need clarification. Foreign words are intertwined with the original vocabulary of the Kazakh language and are assimilated in accordance with the phonetic laws of the Kazakh language.
The ancient written Kazakh language is one of the largest channels that open the way for the development of the modern literary language. The ancient Turkic language, the middle Turkic language, and the ancient Kazakh language are linked by historical ties. There are a lot of obsolete Kazakh words that are not familiar to us.

About the Author

Zh. A. Abitzhanova
Institute of Linguistics named after A.Baitursynov



1. Кенжебаев Б. XX ғасыр басындағы қазақ әдебиеті. – Алматы, 1976. 215 б.

2. Бабалар сөзі. Шаһмаран. 2-том. 2004. 100 томдық. – 210 б.

3. Бабалар сөзі. Нұрғазарын. 30 том. Астана: Фолиант, 2006. –294 б.

4. Бабалар сөзі. Жанқожа батыр. 62-том. 2010. 100 томдық. – 258 б.

5. Бабалар сөзі. Нұрадын. 50-том. 125-б., 2008. 100 томдық. – 225 б.

6. Бабалар сөзі. Қарасай-Қази. 46-том. 17-б., 2008. 100 томдық. – 265 б.


For citations:

Abitzhanova Zh.A. THE NATURE OF OBSOLETE WORDS. Tiltanym. 2020;(2):26-30. (In Kazakh)

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ISSN 2411-6076 (Print)
ISSN 2709-135X (Online)